Privacy Policy

How do we handle your personal data?

Are you interested in how we handle your personal data on We are fair, we care about our customers, and we take strict care to keep your personal data safe with us. Below you can read what happens to your personal data that you give us when you order goods from us.

How about registering with us, what do we use your data for?

There is no automatic registration with us. Therefore, when you place an order, we only work with the data (= billing address, your name, email address and telephone number) necessary for the purpose of processing your order. Your personal data will be sent to us - as well as to you - by e-mail. Your emails are protected by a password, which we change regularly and only authorised persons have access to it.

Sharing of information with 3rd parties

We do not pass on your personal data to anyone. Only the phone number and address is provided to the shipping company so that the order can be delivered to you. Furthermore, some of your personal data is processed by our accountant. The keeping of accounting records is a legal obligation.

For how long do we keep your data?

We only store your data for as long as necessary. This means, in short, for as long as you are interested in ordering from us. Once your order is processed, we delete the personal data from the order backup on the website and only keep the actual invoices from your purchases, which we are legally obliged to archive. We keep email communications for a maximum of 12 months, after which all communications are deleted. If you ask us to delete it, it is no problem to delete our entire communication history at any time after the order has been placed. The history of e-mail communication serves us primarily to trace any order for further purchases or to deal positively with a complaint.

Order backup

We have stored your orders in text form, attached to the accounting documents. These order backups are deleted after the accounting has been processed in the period. Order backups are primarily used by us to check that we are invoicing you at the correct price and that the order has been delivered complete.

Working with cookies

This website uses cookie technology for analytical and marketing purposes. By analysing user behaviour on the site, we can continually improve our site and our services. Marketing cookies are used for better targeting in advertising systems to show you relevant advertising. Neither analytical nor marketing cookies will be stored without your consent. You can read more about the individual cookies in the cookie settings. You can also revoke/give/change your consent at any time there.

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